I think Best Buy has absconded with our computer. Mr. Perfectly has called them, and they’ve assured him that they’d check it out and get back to us. NOTHING. It’s been since June 6th that they were ‘sending off’ our computer for a fan replacement. 2 work tickets and 3 weeks later…..nobody knows NUTTIN’. I’m not a patient person ( just in case you hadn’t realized this yet), and this lack of a home computer is making me CRAZY……JUST CRAZY. I can’t obsess over all things medical, teen-related or blog related! I try to make up for it at work, but obviously, it puts my work performance in jeopardy when I’m not working……..that really kind of sucks, you know?
I had a really fun weekend. Teenie and I went running around and out for dinner on Friday night….then on Saturday, we spent the entire day together. We didn’t do much, except eat, laugh and get our nails done. I got some really wild nails…….at least for me……I’d take a picture and show you except I DON’T HAVE INTERNET ACCESS AT HOME, AND WITHOUT MR. PERFECTLY’S HELP, I AM USELESS AT TRYING TO TAKE AND UPLOAD PHOTOS. Anyway, think French Manicure (on too short nails) with 3 crystals on each nail….in (drum roll…..) red, white and BLUE! How cute, Huh? Mr. Perfectly implied that it made me look sort of HOOKER-ISH, but I don’t care. It’s fun, and festive. One young girl at the nail salon, even called me ‘SASSY’ (as in 'aren't YOU sassy??). I’m not sure if she meant that as a compliment or that if it mean't "aren't YOU stupid?" I choose to believe it was a compliment (do I have YOU convinced??).
We were going to try to do something out of the ordinary on Saturday night—I wanted to tackle making empanadas from scratch, and get drunk at The Farm, but Teenie wasn’t as interested in drunken dough rolling/filling/frying as I was. So we decided we’d go to Hermann, MO, and check out the wineries. Perfectly’s dad was going to be the designated driver. Except he didn’t want to go. And it got too late (seeing as we were getting our nails done at 4:30 pm, and Hermann is an hour away, and we weren’t even READY). So Hermann was a bust. We ended up going to Fulton, MO to a cute little restaurant called Bek’s. We had a really nice dinner with Mr. Perfectly, Perfectly’s dad, and Son #2. We had awesome coconut cake and they brought us these TINY little seafood type forks for dessert. It was weird and totally funny. So Teenie and I shared this HUGE PIECE of coconut cake from these itsy-bitsy forks. Son #2 had carrot cake, and he managed to hork it down much faster than Teenie and I did…..but he’s a teenager, and they practically INHALE their food.
Then yesterday, Mr. Perfectly and I went to the Lake of the Ozarks to shop. SHOP…….we went to a KITCHEN STORE…….which to me is like being an addict in a crack house. I bought a garlic press thingy that was only $3 (translate: it probably won’t work worth a damn), and a microplane grater (which I’ve wanted for AGES) and a blender, and a mandolin. Oh, and we found a present for Teenie……a tiny little fork like we used for dessert the night before. I need to get a bow.
We went by Aeropostale in hopes of finding just the right shorts for #2’s 15th birthday (which is tomorrow…….send the love his way……and CASH), and they had jeans and shirts on CLEARANCE…..I bought Khaki cargo’s, and jeans for $3 $3, PEOPLE!! Sweaters (yes, for winter) for $1.80. Polo shirts for $6. The most expensive thing I bought there was jeans for Mr. Perfectly for $9. I have 2 HUGE bags of clothing, let’s see….3 sweaters, 3 polo’s, 2 cargo khaki’s, one regular khaki, and at least 7 (maybe 9) pair of jeans for a total of $91.00. Nothing in the lot being more expensive than $9. I was in shock. Poor Son #2…he’s getting a clearance birthday!!
So, to sum it up, I got to go out to eat Friday AND Saturday night, Spent a girl day on Sat. with Teenie, shopped on Sunday, and since the PMS issue last week finally , well, resulted in a result? I didn’t even have to **WINK-WINK** re-pay for any of it. Oh, and Mr. Pefectly cooked Quesadillas last night. We made awesome margaritas in the new Blender (wooheeee…..they were strong little suckers), and I went to beddie bye before 10, and slept soundly.
So, here I am, not even MINDING being at work. I am jealous as can be at Mr. Perfectly who is OFF ALL WEEK……….but he deserves it. He’s been crazy busy at work, so he deserves to be off work and do things around the house for ME instead! Hahahaha
Happy Monday to you all. I miss having my computer at home so I can stalk all my favorite bloggers with long winded comments and e-mails professing my undying love!
See, I KNOW deep inside they miss me too, but are just too polite to inquire about my absence.
Hey, send the love to Son #2 and ME… He gets his driver’s permit tomorrow (if he can pass the exam)………and he needs lots of fun birthday wishes! I need some Xanex to cope with the permit, so I expect to have some delivered by my internet BFF’s POST HASTE!