I am making pizza for dinner. Actually, Mr. Perfectly and I will be making pizza for dinner.
I cheated and bought pre-cooked/sliced pepperoni and canadian bacon....because that's what the boys in the house (um....everyone but me) like. I have clams and artichoke hearts and red peppers for me. YUMMMMMM.
Mr. Perfectly is otherwise occupied at the moment. He's helping Perfectly's Dad at the Farm. Then he's CHOMPING at the bit to go over to son #2's first evening of football camp. So, the normal pizza maker in the house is HIM, but since he's going to be busy, I'm taking on the task.
See, although I love to cook, I'm not good with time consuming stuff....like dough making, vegatable preping, etc. But, I'm putting on my big girl panties and getting with it....so we can have PIZZA for dinner.
I was getting ready to go construct a sauce, and found some leftover sauce from meatball sandwiches earlier in the week. SWEET...I'll garlic it up, and add some more fresh basil, and sauce is DONE. I'm doing my best not to count the days since we had meatball sandwiches. I have a 'thing' about leftovers more than 3 days old.
I am figuring on the fact there is no meat in the sauce, and the acidity from the tomatoes making it all okay. RIGHT? It'll be fine? From Tuesday or Wednesday? Surely it'll be just fine. JUST FINE.
My dog, Copper has been roasting himself alive on my back patio today. He loves to soak up the sun. My other two are wimps and like the cool house. Copper lays flat on his side, full in the sun for a LONG time before he comes in panting.
I am making some wheat crust and some white crust. Son #2 is looking for ways to increase his protien and carbs, and he and I like the wheaty crust, so we'll experiment with it today.
Mr. Perfectly's folks surprised us with a visit yesterday afternoon. Well, not so surprising since they called us asking what Mr. P's shirt size was. That was a pretty good clue they were probably in town. Sure enough, they showed up around 5:30. They found a whole bunch of shirts on clearance at Kohl's for Mr. P. He's tall and lanky, and wears a 36/37 sleeve. Those shirts are hard to find sometimes without ordering them, or going to big/tall shops. The problem is he's not 'big'. He needs a 16 or 16 1/2 neck, and it's just a nightmare getting stuff to fit him. Well, they found a bunch of shirts for him.....which was a very nice thought.
However, I hadn't showered or anything yesterday. I have a cold and I don't do well with being sick. I whine and complain and generally am miserable to be around. And, I'd just made a Mojito, and put it aside and hid the rum.......
anywho, that's about all I've got for now. I'm off to the kitchen to make dough.
Toodles to you all!!